Until recently, The One Ring roleplaying game was for me a frustrating masterpiece. An intricate game that seemed to really convey the feel for Tolkien's fantasy, but that I didn't really want to run until I'd played it. Thanks to my friend Cédric, that has been made possible, and I delved with renewed interest in supplements I'd purchased and not read. Rivendell opens the gaming map to the West of the Misty Mountains describing not only Rivendell but all the land to the Shire (Bree excepted, it'll be a future supplement apparently). The book is again a success, not only with the wonderful travelogue, describing each area and seeding so many adventure ideas on the way, but in the way it expands the scope of the game: by including playable Dunedain and High Elves it introduces a darker tone and higher stakes. It also expands on magical treasure to make it more "in the spirit" of Tolkien. Finally it introduces the Eye of Sauron rules to determine what happens when PCs attract the Enemy's attention. Solid gold.
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