Black Mirror Season 2

Black Mirror Season 2

As with the first season, episodes range from decent but flawed to utterly brilliant (and usually terrifying). The writers are clearly great at finding intriguing and mind boggling concepts, but not always as good at ending them convincingly. "Be Right Back" is creepy and convincing, though the ending is a little off. "The Waldo Moment" has a strong premise, but they clearly didn't know how to end it, so it's disappointing. "White Bear", while less Sci-Fi and more 4th Dimension is terrifying and pretty good all the way through. White Christmas, the special, is the best of all, exploring VR and privacy in a chilling seasonal tale. All in all, a good series although as I already said twice, some of the premises end up in unsatisfying conclusions. Still, I'll be happy to watch more when I'm not too down (this is depressing stuff...) 
