Strong Female Protagonist Book 2 by Brennan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag

Strong Female Protagonist Book 2 by Brennan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag

A superhero comic with a title like Strong Female Protagonist (SFP for fans), you would be right to expect a reasonable dose of meta-critic on the genre, and you wouldn't be dissapointed. But like the best superhero comics in their times (from Watchmen to Powers), SFP manages to deconstruct the genre while staying in the genre. It raises a lot of deep questions, with unconfortable answers. Questions that make the hero/villain dichotomy obsolete at best (if not criminal). It's engrossing, you care about the characters, it raises profound questions through the voices of its characters that are not just about superheroes, but are about us as human beings. I honestly felt like this was the end of the story with a masterful last chapter... but apparently there's a third volume to come. Yay! The best thing you'll read this year. 
