The Laughter of Dragons for The One Ring RPG

The Laughter of Dragons for The One Ring RPG

The latest campaign (as a series of loosely connected adventures) in the game line, it's been long awaited. It's much better than Oaths of the Riddermark which was railroady and badly designed. Still, railroading is a trait of the game line, so if you're not into that, you might cringe at certain times reading this. The campaign is set primarily around Dale and the Lonely Mountain as a supplement to the setting book Erebor. It is surprising that the campaign makes very little use of that book in the first four scenarios (or six) but thankfully the last two are heavily centered around Dale and Erebor (with one really interesting though hard to run chase scene inside Erebor). One issue with the game line that I see is that these campaigns (this is effectively the fourth such campaign published) try to be suitable for both beginning characters and seasoned grognards, and that makes Laughter of Dragons a bit schizophrenic. The kinds of creatures characters will be confronted to in this campaign is on the high end of powerful, yet the campaign tries to suggest ways to not get characters wiped out. Probably something to deal with on a case by case basis depending on how seasoned characters are at your table. All in all a good read, still faithful to source material (with a few less believable moments, perhaps). Will publish a more in-depth review in French when time allows. 
