
Beasts of Burden - Animal Rites by Jill Thompson

Bosch Season 3

Maigret Season 2

Dracula Unredacted by Bram Stoker, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Kenneth Hite

The Return of the King

Au Revoir Là-Haut by Pierre Lemaitre

Ready Player One

Striscia by Kobayashi


Les Carnets Zoographiques du Capitaine Lalande


Petite Balade et Grande Muraille by Maïté Verjux

The Party

Comme un Chef by Benoit Peeters and Aurélie Aurita

Repas de Famille by les Chevaliers du Fiel

The Secret Life of Pets

Whispers Underground by Ben Aaronovitch


Top of the Lake Season 1